Disclaimer: The following answers do not necessarily represent ALPA’s position or interpretation. They are provided for the benefit of our pilots so they may have some knowledge and expectation of the company’s position on the various questions.
- Will the Company pay 20-4.03 Layoff Pay to WestJet Pilots that are involuntarily laid off and:
- Bump into Encore? NO
- Displace into Swoop? NO
***Please note that this issue is currently in the grievance process***
- In which WestJet Encore pay-scale will a WestJet pilot be placed upon bumping into an Encore position via PTA Section 8?
- If you have been Captain at WJ or Swoop, your pay step will be step based on the years you have as Captain at your respective airlines (regardless of what Company). It will only go as high as the Encore CA agreement provides.
- All time counts for FO.
- Totality of service is used for vacation.
***Please note that this issue is currently in the grievance process***
- Does a pilot that bumps into Encore but later resigns from his position at Encore retain recall rights to:
- WestJet? Like someone who is dismissed at Encore, you lose the right for the recall to WJ (group) if you resign
- Encore? No
- The individual that gets laid off from both, retains recall rights to both
- Does a pilot that bumps into Encore but is later terminated from his position at Encore retain recall rights to:
- WestJet? No
- Encore? No
- When a pilot is transferred to a new position via the PSB, when does the pilot’s new rate-of-pay take effect?
- WJA Downgrade on Same Type - On effective date of award (WJA Grievance filed arguing it should be upon qualification in the position IE no earlier than Right Seat Check)
- WJA Upgrade or Transition - Upon successful completion of their final line check IAW CA 21-12
- WestJet to Swoop: On effective date of award.
- Swoop to WestJet: Upon successful completion of their final line check IAW CA 21-12 (WestJet considers this a transition)
- WestJet to Encore: On effective date of award.
- Encore to WestJet: On effective date of award.
- Can a laid-off WestJet/Swoop Pilot (that has never worked at Encore) bid into Encore from a layoff?
- No.
***Please note that this issue is currently in the grievance process***
- No.
- Can a WestJet/Swoop Pilot that bumps into Encore and is later laid off bid into Encore?
- Yes, once a WestJet or Swoop Pilot bumps into Encore they retain recall rights and can bid into Encore via a recall bid.
- Yes, once a WestJet or Swoop Pilot bumps into Encore they retain recall rights and can bid into Encore via a recall bid.