Your Local Status Rep should be your first point of contact for most questions, comments, and concerns. Their contact information can be found below, within the ALPA App, and on the ALPA LEC Website.
Vancouver - WJA227 -
Captain Rep & Chair - Jason Harris
(604) 619-3147
First Officer Rep & Vice-Chair - Julien Boisvert
(604) 837-7922
Secretary-Treasurer - Peter Noh
(403) 651-1000
Calgary - WJA230 -
Captain Rep - Samuel Brennan
(487) 316-1000
First Officer Rep - Dave Power
(403) 630-5220
Secretary-Treasurer - Kelly Frey
(403) 200-6919
Toronto - WJA234 -
Captain Rep & Vice-Chair - Jacob Astin
(416) 407-0225
First Officer Rep & Chair - Rob Simms
(403) 669-2066
Secretary-Treasurer - Brad Janzen
(250) 509-0589